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Grandparent Visitation in Ohio: Legal Framework, Case Law, Practical Considerations

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Family Law

HHM’s experienced family law attorneys support clients in domestic relations matters, including divorce, dissolution, legal separation, parental and grandparent rights, including custody of children and child support, as well as domestic violence issues, family estate planning, adoption, and juvenile law matters. Our lawyers excel at representing clients in court cases and throughout mediation, negotiations and other out-of-court situations.


Our attorneys have experience in the complex issues that arise throughout divorce proceedings, both personal and financial. The firm will counsel clients on appropriate asset and debt division, as well as child support, spousal support and the many other issues that may arise during divorce. Furthermore, the firm can advise clients on actions to take prior to filing divorce cases and while the divorce is pending.


Our attorneys are experienced in helping clients end their marriages through a process known as dissolution. A dissolution is a cost-effective way to end a marriage by agreement. Both parties must be able to communicate and agree on all issues. A dissolution allows the separating parties to remain in control of their separation with minimal court involvement and can usually be completed in a few months.

Legal Separation

The firm can counsel clients on legal separations that may be appropriate for couples who want to live separately but remain married. Our attorneys have experience in issues that arise during legal separations, such as division of property, parenting plans, child support and spousal support.


Our attorneys can arrange meetings with opposing parties to attempt to discuss and resolve issues without initiating formal legal action.

Child Custody

Our attorneys have experience with child custody issues, including shared parenting plans, visitations, supervised visitations, child support, child abuse, abuse allegations violations of parenting plans, and contempt motions.

Child Support & Visitation Rights

The firm can counsel clients on child support and visitation rights, including factors that determine child support, visitation rights of parents and grandparents, shared parenting plans and relocation issues.

Alimony or Spousal Support

Our attorneys have experience in handling spousal support issues and can advise clients on factors courts consider when determining appropriate amounts and durations of spousal support awards.

Grandparent Rights

Our firm can counsel grandparents seeking visitation with grandchildren of unmarried or single parents. Our attorneys can advise grandparents on how to secure visitation rights by demonstrating an interest in the welfare of their grandchildren and looking out for their best interests.


Our firm can advise clients on the process of adoption and represent clients in cases involving minor and adult adoptions as well as step parent adoptions, including both contested and non-contested adoptions.

Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, domestic violence is common in both divorce and custody cases. Our firm can advise clients on the civil aspects of these issues, including the impact of domestic violence on custody of minor children and pursuit of civil protection orders.

Family Estate Planning

Divorce and family law matters often impact estate planning. Our family law lawyers work closely with HHM’s estate planning attorneys when necessary to make sure the best interests of clients are served. It is very important that probate, inheritance, succession and other estate planning matters are carefully considered in domestic relations situations.

Juvenile Law

Our attorneys are experienced in juvenile issues, including delinquent or unruly acts by children. These can include juvenile traffic offenses, alcohol offenses, drug crimes and other juvenile offenses.