Ruling on OSHA Vaccine Mandate Suggests Supreme Court Would Likely Strike Measure Down in Next Review
- January 13, 2022 | By Matthew M. Ries | Business & Employment, COVID-19
The reasoning expressed by the majority in the OSHA case suggests how the Court would likely rule if the measure is presented again.
OSHA COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Faces Challenges
- November 19, 2021 | By Martin J. Boetcher | COVID-19
The OSHA issued vaccine mandate to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace is being challenged in the courts. Here is what it means for employers.
Should Ohio Employers Require Their Employees to Receive a COVID Vaccination?
- August 23, 2021 | By Martin J. Boetcher | COVID-19
The rapid rollout of COVID-19 vaccines across the country and policy enabling employers to require employees to be vaccinated raises the issue of whether employers should implement such requirements.
Can Ohio Employers Require Their Employees to Receive a COVID Vaccination?
- December 21, 2020 | By Martin J. Boetcher | Business & Employment, COVID-19
Ohio employers can indeed require their employees to receive a COVID vaccination. There are some exceptions, however.
2 Ohio Business Relief Programs Merit a Close Look
- October 29, 2020 | By Shawna L. L'Italien | Business & Employment, COVID-19
On October 23rd, Ohio Governor DeWine announced the creation of two small business relief programs designed to provide relief to Ohio businesses that have been negatively affected by COVID-19: The Small Business Relief Grant The Bar and Restaurant Assistance Fund…
Senate Passes Bill to Provide More Flexibility with Paycheck Protection Program Loans
- June 4, 2020 | By Shawna L. L'Italien | Business & Employment, COVID-19
HHM lawyer Shawna L’Italien discusses the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020, which offers more flexibility for borrowers.
HHM Lawyers Continue to Provide Legal Services During Pandemic
- May 15, 2020 | COVID-19, News
With the relaxation of some business shutdown measures across Ohio, HHM is continuing to provide excellent legal services and a safe environment. All three of our offices remain open. As the health and safety of our employees, clients and colleagues remains…
SBA Eases PPP Loan Penalty Threats Against Borrowers
- May 13, 2020 | By Shawna L. L'Italien | Business & Employment, COVID-19
HHM lawyer Shawna L’Italien summarizes new guidance from the Small Business Administration on potential penalties against PPP loan recipients.
Considerations for Domestic Relations Issues During the Pandemic
- May 4, 2020 | By Jacqueline Johnston | COVID-19, Family Law
Family lawyer Jacqueline Johnston writes about considerations for the status of divorce and dissolution cases, as well as parenting issues, as they’re affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
New Ohio Law Adds Options to Keep Public Meetings Open Under Social Distancing Measures
- April 1, 2020 | By Patrick K. Wilson | COVID-19, Public Sector
HHM lawyer Patrick Wilson explains the amended Ohio Sunshine Law, which allows Ohio public bodies to operate meetings electronically with the caveat that the public is both aware of the meeting and how it will be conducted and is given the ability to observe the meeting electronically.