HHM Releases 2024 Community Report
The lawyers and staff at Harrington, Hoppe & Mitchell, Ltd. are dedicated to supporting the Mahoning Valley. We provide financial and in-kind support throughout the year to organizations that support economic development, healthcare, education, the arts, food distribution, youth sports and much more.
Our lawyers also serve on a variety of local boards and committees. You can read about all of our lawyers and their board service on the bio pages linked from our Attorneys page.
Support for Community Organizations & Events
In 2024, HHM lawyers were proud to contribute financial support or time to dozens of local organizations and events.

- John F. Kennedy Catholic School’s Mock Trial Team – Coached by James LaPolla (far right in the photo above), the Warren John F. Kennedy High School mock trial team won its district tournament and moved on to the regional competition, sponsored by the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education.
- JFK Goaliners – Patrick Wilson was among the sponsors for the annual golf outing which supports the JFK football program.

- JFK Golf Team – James LaPolla (above, right) coached the boys’ golf team, which won the Ohio Division III state high school golf championship for its 2nd straight year! James LaPolla, Patrick Wilson, Kevin Murphy and Michael McGee sponsored the golf team.
- JFK’s “Just For Kicks” Auction – HHM was a gold sponsor for the 34th Annual “Just For Kicks” Auction at John F. Kennedy high school. Funds raised support technology, classroom enhancement, academics, athletics and more.
- Lakeview Local Schools — Patrick Wilson supported the schools’ fall and winter sports programs.

- Niles McKinley Mock Trial Team – Sponsored by HHM and led by Matthew Ries (back left in the above photo), the team proceeded to the regional competition after winning its district competition. The Ohio Center for Law-Related Education sponsored the competition.
- Niles Youth Sports Leagues — Matthew Ries sponsored the youth baseball and soccer leagues.

- United Local High School – HHM was a banner sponsor for the school’s softball and baseball teams.
- Warren G. Harding High School – Matthew Ries supported the Warren football team with sponsorships for the football association, football program and the Warren Legends.
- Community Action Agency of Columbiana County – HHM served as the Activity Sponsor and Tee/Green Sponsor for the agency’s 2024 golf outing fundraiser at Salem Golf Club.
- Community Counseling Center of Ashtabula County – HHM was a silver sponsor for the center’s 60th anniversary event.
- Down Syndrome Association of the Valley – Kevin Murphy was among the sponsors of the association’s Buddy Walk.

- Panerathon – HHM was among the sponsors of the Panerathon, hosted by the Covelli Centre in downtown Youngstown. The event raised money for the Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center.
- Salem Regional Medical Center – HHM was a Silver Sponsor for the hospital’s 2024 fundraising gala at Waypoint 4180 in Canfield. The firm was a hole sponsor for the 2024 golf outing fundraiser at the Links at Firestone Farms in Columbiana.
Civic and Charitable Causes
- Bags and Baubles – HHM was among the sponsors of the Mahoning County Juvenile Court Community Advisory Board’s “Bags & Baubles” fundraiser at Mr. Anthony’s in Boardman. The board supports initiatives that help keep youth out of trouble.

- Boy Scouts of America – Marty Boetcher (right in the photo), along with Ron Chambers and their Scout assistant, Ryan, participated in the Howland United Methodist Church’s “Men Who Cook” event. The trio prepared and served about 680 meatballs.
- Brightside Project – HHM was among the sponsors of the Salem nonprofit organization’s annual golf outing fundraiser.
- Heart Reach Neighborhood Ministries — Martin Boetcher and Shawna L’Italien were among the sponsors for a golf outing supporting the Youngstown nonprofit organization.
- Junior League of the Mahoning Valley – John Dellick was among the supporters of the “Beads, Bags and Bingo” event to benefit the Junior League of the Mahoning Valley. HHM staff members Mary Hauger, Karen Morris, Peggy Miller and Beth Bacon (pictured above) and their guests attended the event.
- Kiwanis Club of Salem – Shawna L’Italien was a 2024 gold sponsor of the club.
- Northeast Ohio Adoption Service – HHM was among the 2024 sponsors of the Warren-based organization, which supports foster, foster-to-adopt and mentoring experiences.
- North Mar Church – Kevin Murphy sponsored the Warren church’s annual bikeathon.

- Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County – HHM was among the sponsors of the library’s author event featuring Sandra Brown, who wrote more than 70 New York Times bestsellers. Pictured above are HHM lawyer Alan Wenger, Marilyn Wenger, Ron Chambers, HHM lawyer Martin Boetcher, Judge Theresa Dellick and HHM lawyer John Dellick.
- Ross Griffin Memorial Foundation – James LaPolla sponsored and participated in the annual golf outing.
- Rotary Club of Warren – Patrick Wilson was among the sponsors of “Hometown Holidays,” a family-oriented New Year’s Eve celebration downtown.
- Salem Area Chamber of Commerce – The firm was among the organization’s 2024 sponsors. Shawna L’Italien supported the Adopt a Planter initiative, which places flowers in urns throughout downtown Salem.
- Salem Area Safety Council – Shawna L’Italien spoke at a presentation for the Salem Area Safety Council about confidentiality, privacy laws and employee data.
- Salem Sustainable Opportunity Development Center – The firm was among the financial sponsors of the SOD Center’s economic development efforts. Shawna L’Italien serves on its board.
- Threshold Residential Services – HHM sponsored the organization’s second Threshold Gala fundraiser.

- Tough Tower – HHM was among the sponsors of the second annual Tough Tower competition in North Jackson. Organized by Tri County Tower and STG Communications, the event pits utility professionals against one another in a series of thrilling tests of ability and dexterity.

- Trumbull County Bar Association Golf Outing – HHM was glad to support the Trumbull County Bar Association’s golf outing at Trumbull Country Club. Pictured above, from left are James LaPolla, John Pogue and Kevin Murphy.
- Trumbull County Historical Society – Matthew Ries and Thomas Carey were among the sponsors of its annual Octoberfest.

- Trumbull Mobile Meals – HHM was among the sponsors of the agency’s golf outing fundraiser at Riverview Golf Club in Braceville. Pictured in the above photo are (from left) David D’Apolito of Flying High Inc., James LaPolla of HHM, Dave Pappada of Arbon Equipment, and his son Anthony Pappada.

- United Way of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley – The firm was a sponsor of the the Preston Auto Group Golf Outing, hosted by the Lake Club, which raised funds for the United Way of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley. James LaPolla is pictured above, second from left.
- Valley Economic Development Partners – Shawna L’Italien was among the sponsors of the development agency’s annual golf outing fundraiser.
Pro Bono Services
- Tips for Seniors – HHM lawyer Shawna L’Italien was among the speakers at a “Tips for Seniors” event in Salem, sponsored by Shepherd of the Valley and Stark Memorial. Shawna provided information and resources related to estate planning.