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2019 Community Involvement Report

HHM Releases 2019 Community Report

The lawyers and staff at Harrington, Hoppe & Mitchell, Ltd. are dedicated to supporting the Mahoning Valley. We provide financial and in-kind support throughout the year to organizations that support economic development, healthcare, education, the arts, food distribution, youth sports and much more.

Our lawyers also serve on a wide variety of local nonprofit boards and committees. A list of 2019 appointments and reappointments can be found below. You can read about all of our lawyers and their board service on the bio pages linked from our Attorneys page.

Support for Community Organizations & Events

In 2019, HHM lawyers were proud to contribute financial support or time to more than 60 local organizations or events:

  • Columbiana County Basketball Allstars – HHM lawyers Shawna L’Italien and Kellie Rogers were glad to support the local athletes who participated in the Allstars program.
  • Columbiana High School Booster Club – HHM lawyers Shawna L’Italien and Kellie Rogers were glad to support Columbiana High School Athletics.
  • Game Changers – The firm was a level one sponsor and lawyers John Pogue and Tom Carey were pleased to support the Game Changers Rooftop Reunion in Downtown Warren. Game Changers is a nonprofit organization that encourages leadership skills in high school student-athletes, focusing on academics, off the field character and volunteering in the community.
  • Holy Family Parish Golf Outing – Lawyers Patrick Manning, Jacqueline Johnston and Abbey Rhein were glad to support the golf outing, which benefited the Holy Family Tuition Assistance Program that helps families in need.
  • John F. Kennedy Catholic School Just for Kicks Auction – HHM sponsored JFK’s annual Just for Kicks event and lawyer Patrick Wilson attended.
  • John F. Kennedy Goaliners Golf Outing – Lawyers Patrick Wilson, Vito Abruzzino and Kevin Murphy were pleased to support the JFK Goaliners Golf Outing, which benefited JFK Catholic School’s Boosters.
  • John F. Kennedy Athletic Booster Club – HHM lawyers Patrick Wilson, Vito Abruzzino and Kevin Murphy were pleased to support JFK athletics.
  • Leadership Columbiana County – HHM lawyers Shawna L’Italien, Neil Maxwell, Vito Abruzzino and Kellie Rogers were glad to sponsor this nonprofit organization that provides intensive classroom and hands-on experience to build leadership capabilities.
  • Leetonia, Lisbon, East Palestine, East Liverpool, Salem and Crestview High School Booster Clubs – HHM lawyer Kellie Rogers was proud to support athletics for these local high schools.
  • Lordstown School District D.A.R.E Program – HHM lawyers Denise Glinatsis Bayer, Paul Dutton, Vito Abruzzino and Martin Boetcher were pleased to support Lordstown School District’s D.A.R.E. program.
  • Lou Holtz / Upper Ohio Valley Hall of Fame Induction – HHM and lawyer Kellie Rogers and her husband, Scott, greeted former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz during an induction ceremony to celebrate the athletic achievements of Upper Ohio Valley residents and administers tuition assistance to local trade school students and grants to local educators.

Kellie_Hall of Fame


  • Mahoning Valley College Access Program’s Progressive Dinner – HHM was glad to be a Tour Guide sponsor for this event that took place at several local businesses and restaurants located in Courthouse Square in downtown Warren. Lawyer and MVCAP board president Denise Glinatsis Bayer attended the event.
  • Poland All-Sports Booster Football Program – HHM lawyers Jacqueline Johnston and Abbey Rhein were glad to support Poland athletics.
  • Ursuline High School Alumni Golf Outing – The firm and lawyer Patrick Manning were pleased to support this event.
  • Ursuline High School Football – The firm and lawyer Patrick Manning were pleased to support Ursuline’s football program.
  • Warren Football Legends Golf Outing – Lawyers John Pogue, Patrick Wilson, Matt Ries and Abbey Rhein were proud to support Warren Football Legends Golf Outing, which benefited Warren G. Harding’s football program.

Community Activities
  • 2019 Panerathon – HHM lawyers and their families were proud to be among the crowd of supporters of the Panerathon in downtown Youngstown. The firm has sponsored the event every year since its inception. Pictured (from left) are Jacqueline Johnston (and Mary Johnston), Kevin and Karen Murphy (and Violet Johnston), Marilyn Pogue, Neil Schor, John Pogue, Harriet Schor, Laurel and Patrick Wilson, Marty Boetcher, Patrick and Samantha Manning and Mike McGee. Proceeds support the Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center.

HHM panerathon


  • Animal Welfare League Purse Bingo – HHM was glad to sponsor and attend this event in February. Lawyer Jacqueline Johnston and staff members Darlene Anderson, Bonnie Adams, Karen Morris, Mary Hauger, Brenda Silman, Beth Baco, Peggy Miller and Karen Sampson attended the event. It also supported its fall event in October. Lawyer Abbey Rhein (second from left) and staff attended the event.

Winter Purse bingo 1Winter Purse bingo 2

Purse bingo


  • Bridgestone Senior Players Pro Am – Lawyer Paul Dutton (far left) participated in the Bridgestone Senior Players Pro Am at Firestone Country Club. Proceeds from the event supported several charities, including Akron Children’s Hospital. With Paul are Bill Considine, retired CEO of Akron Children’s Hospital; Joe Durant, Senior Professional; Mark Smucker, CEO of Smuckers; and Tim Timken, CEO of Timken Steel.


  • City Club of the Mahoning Valley‘s State of the Valley – HHM was pleased to support this event at Stambaugh Auditorium. Lawyers Paul Dutton, Neil Schor, Denise Bayer and Patrick Manning attended and were joined by several guests of the firm. Pictured from front left are Sallie Tod Dutton, Luann Maynard of Akron Children’s Hospital, Paul Hagman of RBF Colab and Nick Giancola of Spruce Home Decor. From back left are Paul, Neil, Denise, Patrick, and Ellie Platt of Platt Insurance.

State of the Valley

  • Friends of Fellows Riverside Gardens Summer Garden Party – HHM was pleased to support Friends of Fellows Summer Garden Party in Mill Creek Park. Lawyers Paul Dutton, Alan Wenger, Neil Schor and Patrick Manning were pleased to attend the event with their spouses.


  • Howland Township Stars and Stripes 5K – HHM and lawyers Tom Carey, Matt Ries and Patrick Wilson were glad to support this event that benefits youth programs at Trumbull Family Fitness.
  • Jewish Community Center’s Suzi Solomon Golf Classic – The firm was pleased to be an Eagle Sponsor for this event at Squaw Creek Avalon Country Club. Lawyers Paul Dutton (left) and Neil Schor (right) attended the event. Here they are with Jeff Solomon (center), co-chairman of the event.
  • Mahoning Valley Economic Development Corporation Golf Outing – The firm was pleased to be a hole sponsor for this outing, which supports MVEDC.
  • Mahoning Valley Historical Society Memories of Christmas Past – HHM and attorney Denise Glinatsis Bayer were pleased to support this annual event which showcases Christmas exhibits at the Arms Family Museum in Youngstown from late November through December.
  • Preston Auto Group Golf Invitational – The firm and lawyers Paul Dutton and John Pogue attended this event that benefits the United Way of Lawrence County.
  • Quaker Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 88 – HHM and attorneys Neil Maxwell, Shawna L’Italien, Vito Abruzzino and Kellie Rogers were pleased to support Lodge 88’s “Route 45,” a country show at Salem High School Auditorium, which supports youth activity programs, law enforcement scholarships and toys for kids at Christmas.
  • Salem Community Center “Women’s Night Out” – Lawyers Shawna L’Italien, Neil Maxwell, Vito Abruzzino and Kellie Rogers were pleased to support this fundraiser dinner.
  • Salem Kiwanis Club Dodgeball Tournament – The firm sponsored Salem Kiwanis Club’s first annual dodgeball tournament.
  • Simply Slavic Heritage Festival – The firm was a sponsor of this annual event in Youngstown.
  • Swing, Wine & Dine Fundraiser – The firm supported and lawyers Denise Glinatsis Bayer and Jacqueline Johnston attended this fundraiser for Walnut Grove, an all-inclusive playground in Canfield.
  • Trumbull 100 Downtown Warren – Lawyers Vito Abruzzino and Matthew Ries took part in an annual beautification effort with Trumbull 100 by hanging flower baskets at Courthouse Square in Warren.

Warren flowers

  • Trumbull County Historical Society’s Oktoberfest – Lawyers Abbey Rhein, Matt Ries, Alan Wenger and Vito Abruzzino were pleased to support this annual event in Courthouse Square.
  • Youngstown Air Reserve Base Community Council – HHM and attorneys Vito Abruzzino and Matt Ries were pleased to sponsor the 5K on the Runway event, which benefits the Youngstown Air Reserve Base.
  • Youngstown Business Incubator’s Shark Tank – Lawyers Paul Dutton and Denise Glinatsis Bayer attended the YBI’s first annual Shark Tank event, which included entrepreneurs pitching business ideas to a panel of local investors.
  • Youngstown CityScape’s Streetscape – HHM and attorneys Patrick Manning and Paul Dutton planted flowers along the east side of Central Square in downtown Youngstown at Youngstown CityScape’s Streetscape beautification event.

CityScape streetscape 2019

  • Youngstown Warren Regional Chamber’s Athena Awards – The firm was pleased to sponsor and attend the annual event supporting local business women. HHM has been a proud supporter of this event for nearly a decade.
Arts & Theater
  • Easy Street Productions – HHM and lawyer Patrick Manning were pleased to support the theater’s annual Miracle on Easy Street Performance in December. The Manning family attended to support Rosie Manning (front, center), who performed in the show. Pictured are Samantha, Leo, Sam, Rosie and Patrick Manning.

Mannings Miracle on Easy Street

  • Lit Youngstown – HHM was glad to sponsor the organization’s Writing Camp in February.
  • Opera Western Reserve – HHM and lawyer Denise Glinatsis Bayer are pleased to provide ongoing support to the opera and its “Macbeth” Production that took place in November.
  • Torrie’s Academy of Dance – HHM lawyer Denise Glinatsis Bayer was glad to support her daughter’s dance studio.
  • WYSU Mad About the Arts – The firm was glad to support this event at the McDonough Museum of Art on Youngstown State University’s campus. Lawyer Paul Dutton attended the event.
  • Youngstown Symphony/Historical Society – The firm was pleased to sponsor the symphony and historical society’s Summer Soiree: A Celebration of the Arts event.
  • Akron Children’s Hospital Foundation – Lawyer and Akron Children’s Hospital Foundation board chairman Paul Dutton and his wife, Sallie, hosted a reception for donors in Sarasota Fla. in February. HHM lawyer John Pogue also attended the event.

Akron Children's Donor Reception

  • Children’s Circle of Friends Foundation “Night at the Races” – The firm was a sponsor of the foundation’s Night at the Races event, which supports the programs and services at Alta Behavioral Healthcare.
  • Children’s Circle of Friends Foundation Golf Outing – Lawyers Martin Boetcher and Shawna L’Italien were glad to support this annual fundraiser.
  • Community Hospice “Game Changer” Event – Lawyer Shawna L’Italien was among the sponsors of Community Hospice’s fundraiser event in Columbiana County that raised proceeds for patient care.
  • Salem Regional Medical Center Foundation’s Hearts and Arts Wellness Expo – Lawyers Kellie Rogers and Shawna L’Italien participated in the foundation’s expo at the Salem First Friends Church.

Hearts & Stars Expo

  • Salem Regional Medical Center Foundation’s Hearts & Stars Gala – HHM and lawyers Vito Abruzzino and Shawna L’Italien were glad to support the foundation’s Hearts & Stars Gala at the Vineyards at Pine Lake. Pictured with Vito and Shawna is Mark L’Italien.

SRMC Foundation Gala

  • Sight for All United Eye Ball – The firm and lawyer Denise Glinatsis Bayer supported the Eye Ball event with several clients of the firm. Pictured are Josh and Denise Bayer, Samantha Turner (American Maintenance Services and Goodwill Industries), Nick Giancola (SPRUCE Décor) and Paul Hagman (RBF Colab Architecture and Design).

Eye Ball

  • Trumbull Family Fitness – HHM lawyers Jacqueline Johnston, Patrick Manning, Kevin Murphy and Matt Ries attended TFF’s annual dinner event with their spouses.

Trumbull fitness annual dinner

Civic & Charitable Causes

LMV graduating class_Abbey

  • Leadership Mahoning Valley’s Justice Day – HHM sponsored the event, which introduced the new class to local justice and government organizations. HHM lawyer and LMV board member Neil Schor, and Abbey Rhein, lawyer and member of the 2019 class, attended the event.


  • Magic of Michael Foundation Golf Outing – HHM and attorney Abbey Rhein were among the sponsors of this event, which aims to help children and their families get resources they may need to endure challenges in life, from accessibility ramps, to wheel chairs, to service animals.
  • Mahoning County Bar Association Awards – HHM lawyers and staff were glad to support and congratulate their former colleague, Shirley Christian, as she received the 2019 Professionalism Award from the Mahoning County Bar Association. Pictured are, from left, Marty Boetcher, Neil Schor, Shirley, Shawna L’Italien, Kellie Rogers, Mary Hauger and Bonnie Adams (John Dellick also attended).

Group pic_Shirley with colleagues

  • Mahoning County Bar Association Law Day – HHM and lawyer Neil Schor hosted Poland High School student Hannah Balash for Law Day, which included a luncheon and tours of the Mahoning County Courthouse and Municipal Court. Pictured are Hannah, Neil and lawyer Denise Glinatsis Bayer, who also attended the event.

Law Day

  • Mahoning County Juvenile Court Community Advisory Board’s “Bags & Baubles” – HHM and attorneys John Dellick, Martin Boetcher, Jacqueline Johnston, Vito Abruzzino and Kellie Rogers were the main sponsor of the event.
  • Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County Ladies in Little Black Dresses for Literacy – HHM was glad to support this event at the Lake Club. Lawyers Denise Glinatsis Bayer, Jacqueline Johnston and Abbey Rhein attended the event.


  • Salem Area Chamber of Commerce – The firm and lawyers Shawna L’Italien, Neil Maxwell, Vito Abruzzino and Kellie Rogers are glad to support the chamber throughout the year as Bronze-level sponsors.
  • Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Reverse Raffle – HHM and lawyer Shawna L’Italien were glad to sponsor this fund-raising event.
  • Salem Area Chamber of Commerce’s “I love Salem” Campaign – HHM lawyers Shawna L’Italien, Neil Maxwell, Vito Abruzzino and Kellie Rogers were sponsors of this campaign.
  • Sustainable Opportunity Development Center – The firm is a proud member of the SOD Center.
  • Second Harvest Food Bank of the Mahoning Valley Taste of the Valley – HHM was pleased to be a silver level sponsor of Second Harvest’s Taste of the Valley event at Stambaugh Auditorium in Youngstown. HHM lawyers Denise Glinatsis Bayer and Patrick Manning attended the event with their spouses, Josh and Samantha.

Taste of the Valley


  • Youngstown Area Goodwill Industries Gems Jewelry Sale and Charity Auction – The firm sponsored this event at Stambaugh and lawyers Denise Glinatsis Bayer and Alan Wenger attended.
Service to Nonprofit Boards & Committees

These lawyers were named to local boards and committees during 2018. Many of our other lawyers also serve on local boards; you can read about their board service on the bio pages linked from our Attorneys page.

murphy-150x150Kevin Murphy was nominated by the mayor of Warren to serve on the board of trustees for Packard Park in Warren.


dutton-150x150Paul Dutton was re-appointed to Director of Akron Children’s Hospital and continues to serve as the chair for the Akron Children’s Hospital Foundation.


rogers-150x150Kellie Rogers was elected to serve on the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce’s board. She began her 3-year term in January 2020.


Abbey-Rhein-150x150Abbey Rhein was appointed as secretary for the Poland Schools Foundation for Educational Excellence, which provides a source of funding for the enrichment of programs and new projects intended to enhance the learning of, and increase educational opportunities for students in the system.


bayer-150x150Denise Glinatsis Bayer was selected to serve on the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee for the City of Canfield. The advisory committee is meant to provide a system of checks and balances for the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Canfield, acting as a representative/liaison and advocate, as well as providing valuable insights and expertise throughout the process. She also helped create and acts as chair of the Mahoning County Bar Association’s Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts Committee, which provides pro bono legal services to local artists.